To be successful in blogging, you need knowledge, creativity,
ingenuity and lastly, funding. Many websites you see having
thousands of social likes don't just have them but they
spend thousands of bucks on promotion, they employ
experts and spend because they know it's business.
Do you see blogging as business? Are you struggling with
ideas, well, relax on a well cushioned chair and get a cup of
water and "honeyed" popcorn and read the concrete blog
article ideas i have for you. I have divided these into four
categories and I'm starting with the first category.
1. Delivering added value
2. Be generous
3.Be human
4.Promote diligently
Delivering added value
Create really high quality content. This is the basis of a
successful blog:
1. Solve a problem
Each of your blog articles must solve a serious problem for
your target audience. If not, why should your reader pay
attention to you? Example:How to stop disturbance and
block spammer on WhatsApp
2. Write a "like you" article
"Like You"-headlines are not only tempting, but "like you"
articles also provide an eerie added value. They show your
reader exactly how something can be done. Example: How
to use the Cosmo headline technique to write great
3. Write an Ultimate guide
Ultimate instructions are stretched "like you" article. They
are usually very detailed and very extensive. So they are
often divided.
Example:How to Improve App User engagement and
Retention (Detailed Guide).
4. Write a list post
List posts are not only easy to create, but also easy to scan
and easy to read. And, the reader immediately knows what
to expect and how much time he has to spend. List posts
Example: 5 fundamental mistakes that failed nigerian
bloggers make
5. Write a mega list post
Mega list posts are stretched list posts. Everything that goes
beyond 10 points is no longer read, but only scanned. This
generates enormous added value and is therefore often
shared. Example: 100 good headlines (and why they were so
6. Write an article series
Article series are so powerful because they illuminate a
particular subject matter much more closely. Write several
articles that build on each other and connect them to an
article series. Example: Step by step into making money in
recession time in Nigeria- Article series
7. Create a "Best of" article
Everyone loves a handpicked selection of your best articles.
This will save your reader a lot of time and effort.
Example: Best Article on Coconut Water Nutrition
8. Summarize older articles
Blogs are good at presenting new content. But the older
ones are often forgotten. Therefore, you should summarize
older articles and show them to your new readers over and
over again. Big G also love old articles that are updated with
new content.
9. Create a case study
Case studies are always interesting. They show your reader
in detail how a particular project was done. It's almost as if
he'd been there live. Start a blog with a bang – so you start
through (+ Case study). Example: How Top Nigerian bloggers
grow their blogs.
10. Write about the future
What could happen in your niche in the future? The world
does not stop spinning. Where do you think the journey is
going? Blogging about the future, especially if you're good in
predicting the future, this can work great in any niche. Even
without valid facts, you can update the article when the
reality actually unfold.
Example: The future of Nigeria businesses Online
11. Reveal a myth
For each topic, hundreds of myths are buzzing in the minds
of your target audience. Cover them, they have lost nothing
there! Example: The SEO Myths
12. Take part in a discussion
Blogging is a dialogue. Take part in this discussion. Do you
disagree as a fellow blogger? Then write about it. Example:
Content is no more the King but Backlink
13. Create a statistic article
Statistics are useful because they bring structure into our
chaotic world. They are especially interesting when you have
brought them together.
Example: Increase in Underage pregnancy in Nigeria
14. Deliver a checklist
Checklists or cheat sheets are wonderful because they serve
as a "reference post" – they are "Gold" for audience that
want to dig deep into a subject matter and finding a related
materials is a good deal. Example: Publish blog articles but
check list first
15. Give a freebie
No matter if you offer a free tool, plugin or pdf, write a blog
article about it.
Example:Pomote Your App free Here
16. Create an info graphic
We humans are visual animals. Therefore, deliver something
to your reader that he understands immediately. After all,
picture is more than a thousand words
Example: How to write the perfect blog article – 15 simple
steps [info graphic]
17. Create a podcast episode
Many people from your target group simply do not like to
read. Therefore, offer audio so that they can consume your
content anyway. You can even burn your content to audio
for them to download as MP3.
18. Create a video
In addition to audio, video should not be missing on your
blog. We humans stand on moving pictures! Especially when
they show you how things are done. Many Nigerian bloggers
still don't make their videos but rather link to saturated
videos of experts in their niche.
19. Write a FAQ article
List frequently asked questions and answer them. In
principle, quite simple, right? The point is, there are many
questions that great blog posts don't answer no matter how
long and detailed the article is. You can think about some
possible weird questions and answer them.
20. Write a Saq article
Not only frequently asked questions are important, but also
questions that should be asked (should asked questions)
.Example: Why is regularity the key to a successful blog?
21. Create a Glossary
A glossary is where you explain terminology on your subject
and is always helpful. Especially for beginners. Example:
Many beginners in blogging don't know the meaning of serp,
IM, black hat, grey hat, Big G, canonical, anchor text etc
Be Generous
Blogging is a very social medium. Therefore, you must
be generous in accordance with the law of reciprocity:
22. Create an influencer article
Here, you introduce the influencers from your niche.
According to the motto:"You should pay attention to these
bloggers this year". Everyone is happy about such a listing.
Eample: 101 top Health bloggers in Nigeria.
23. Make an interview
Tap another's brain. Other perspectives are always
interesting. And, you have less work! Eample: Link building
with content marketing for successful SEO: Online
entrepreneur, Chaktty in an interview.
24. Create a link post
A link post links to good articles from other bloggers from
your niche. According to the motto: "The best I've found this
Example: Roundup of the week: blogging daily routine.
25. Create an article full of quotes
Quotes, most of the time are more powerful than contents
Inspiring and motivating quotes give energy and spur your
readers to actions. People are not really motivated to do
great things in Nigeria, so, giving your readers interesting
quotes will fill the gap and make them feel loved . I am not a
fan of articles full of citations because they do not provide
so much added value. But for your niche it might fit very
well.Example: The 50 best quotes of internet marketing.
26. Create a resource article
Here you can recommend resources, such as products,
tools, e-books or the like.Example: How to start a profitable
27. Let someone else write for you
Not only do you have to write guest posts for others, but you
also have to accept guest posts. You still have to edit it, but
you save a lot of time.And, the other has access to your
audience. Win-win.
Be human
In business, there is far too much hypocritical
professionalism. This is totally superfluous. But you
know you have to be human:
28. Tell a personal story
We humans love stories. Of course, we are interested first.
But right after that, we want to know what your story is... so
that we will have something again afterwards!
Example: How I built a successful blog business within 2
29. Refer your audience to a
With this kind of article, you're engaging your audience.
Socialize your audience and answer their questions. You
don't have to claim the supreme. Talk about other experts
and sell their whole idea to your audience and your
audience will appreciate it and understand your influence in
your niche.
30. Carry out a survey
Use your blog article for a public survey and then publish
the results.Example: Can you help us? Take part in our
survey on online business. Write an inspiring article now
and then, your reader needs inspiration. Write a post that
moves it... and you've won a new fan.
Example: 28 things you should not do to yourself from today
31. Write a holiday article
You always have to pick up the thoughts of your reader. For
example, if it's Christmas, write an article that suits
Eample: How to drive Traffic to blog during XMAS
32. Show how it looks behind the scenes
Your true fans want to look behind the scenes. How does it
all look with you?How do you do all that you do?
Example: How I schedule my blogging works
33. Create a manifest
A manifesto motivates and ensures that everyone is on the
same level.
Example: The "let You go Well" manifesto
34. Publish a "Hi I am. Ask me Everything "article
This is a wonderful way for an extraordinary article. Here,
the focus is not on your article, but on you answering the
comments of your audience.
Example: Hi, I'm Neil Patel of KISSmetrics, crazy egg and
quick sprout... ask me Everything
Promote diligently
This part is often forgotten: the promotion. Today you
have to promote and sell everything and everyone:
35. Use celebrities' fame
Grab the attention of a celebrity and connect it to your
theme. No matter if it is alive or not!
Example: What Shakespeare can teach you about advertising
36. Write about a novelty
I'm a big fan of evergreen content. But yet we love new
things for people. When something is new, we automatically
pay attention to it. Curiosity drives us.
Example: The latest blogging secret about search engine
37. Write about a trend
Similar to the news, trends are also very tempting. Your
readers want to hear from you where the journey is going.
Example: Social media trends: what to look for in 2018
38. Write an Experience report
Experience reports are wonderful if you want to distribute
affiliate products. Describe objectively the pros and cons
and you create something of value for your reader.
Example: Jumia Affiliate Review – Step by step into becoming
Affiliate pro
39. Promote your product or service
This is the final step: offer your product or service directly in
your blog article. As long as you don't overdo it and pack the
whole thing into added value and a nice story, that's fine.
Example: Only the facts: Why you should visit techpally.
ingenuity and lastly, funding. Many websites you see having
thousands of social likes don't just have them but they
spend thousands of bucks on promotion, they employ
experts and spend because they know it's business.
Do you see blogging as business? Are you struggling with
ideas, well, relax on a well cushioned chair and get a cup of
water and "honeyed" popcorn and read the concrete blog
article ideas i have for you. I have divided these into four
categories and I'm starting with the first category.
1. Delivering added value
2. Be generous
3.Be human
4.Promote diligently
Delivering added value
Create really high quality content. This is the basis of a
successful blog:
1. Solve a problem
Each of your blog articles must solve a serious problem for
your target audience. If not, why should your reader pay
attention to you? Example:How to stop disturbance and
block spammer on WhatsApp
2. Write a "like you" article
"Like You"-headlines are not only tempting, but "like you"
articles also provide an eerie added value. They show your
reader exactly how something can be done. Example: How
to use the Cosmo headline technique to write great
3. Write an Ultimate guide
Ultimate instructions are stretched "like you" article. They
are usually very detailed and very extensive. So they are
often divided.
Example:How to Improve App User engagement and
Retention (Detailed Guide).
4. Write a list post
List posts are not only easy to create, but also easy to scan
and easy to read. And, the reader immediately knows what
to expect and how much time he has to spend. List posts
Example: 5 fundamental mistakes that failed nigerian
bloggers make
5. Write a mega list post
Mega list posts are stretched list posts. Everything that goes
beyond 10 points is no longer read, but only scanned. This
generates enormous added value and is therefore often
shared. Example: 100 good headlines (and why they were so
6. Write an article series
Article series are so powerful because they illuminate a
particular subject matter much more closely. Write several
articles that build on each other and connect them to an
article series. Example: Step by step into making money in
recession time in Nigeria- Article series
7. Create a "Best of" article
Everyone loves a handpicked selection of your best articles.
This will save your reader a lot of time and effort.
Example: Best Article on Coconut Water Nutrition
8. Summarize older articles
Blogs are good at presenting new content. But the older
ones are often forgotten. Therefore, you should summarize
older articles and show them to your new readers over and
over again. Big G also love old articles that are updated with
new content.
9. Create a case study
Case studies are always interesting. They show your reader
in detail how a particular project was done. It's almost as if
he'd been there live. Start a blog with a bang – so you start
through (+ Case study). Example: How Top Nigerian bloggers
grow their blogs.
10. Write about the future
What could happen in your niche in the future? The world
does not stop spinning. Where do you think the journey is
going? Blogging about the future, especially if you're good in
predicting the future, this can work great in any niche. Even
without valid facts, you can update the article when the
reality actually unfold.
Example: The future of Nigeria businesses Online
11. Reveal a myth
For each topic, hundreds of myths are buzzing in the minds
of your target audience. Cover them, they have lost nothing
there! Example: The SEO Myths
12. Take part in a discussion
Blogging is a dialogue. Take part in this discussion. Do you
disagree as a fellow blogger? Then write about it. Example:
Content is no more the King but Backlink
13. Create a statistic article
Statistics are useful because they bring structure into our
chaotic world. They are especially interesting when you have
brought them together.
Example: Increase in Underage pregnancy in Nigeria
14. Deliver a checklist
Checklists or cheat sheets are wonderful because they serve
as a "reference post" – they are "Gold" for audience that
want to dig deep into a subject matter and finding a related
materials is a good deal. Example: Publish blog articles but
check list first
15. Give a freebie
No matter if you offer a free tool, plugin or pdf, write a blog
article about it.
Example:Pomote Your App free Here
16. Create an info graphic
We humans are visual animals. Therefore, deliver something
to your reader that he understands immediately. After all,
picture is more than a thousand words
Example: How to write the perfect blog article – 15 simple
steps [info graphic]
17. Create a podcast episode
Many people from your target group simply do not like to
read. Therefore, offer audio so that they can consume your
content anyway. You can even burn your content to audio
for them to download as MP3.
18. Create a video
In addition to audio, video should not be missing on your
blog. We humans stand on moving pictures! Especially when
they show you how things are done. Many Nigerian bloggers
still don't make their videos but rather link to saturated
videos of experts in their niche.
19. Write a FAQ article
List frequently asked questions and answer them. In
principle, quite simple, right? The point is, there are many
questions that great blog posts don't answer no matter how
long and detailed the article is. You can think about some
possible weird questions and answer them.
20. Write a Saq article
Not only frequently asked questions are important, but also
questions that should be asked (should asked questions)
.Example: Why is regularity the key to a successful blog?
21. Create a Glossary
A glossary is where you explain terminology on your subject
and is always helpful. Especially for beginners. Example:
Many beginners in blogging don't know the meaning of serp,
IM, black hat, grey hat, Big G, canonical, anchor text etc
Be Generous
Blogging is a very social medium. Therefore, you must
be generous in accordance with the law of reciprocity:
22. Create an influencer article
Here, you introduce the influencers from your niche.
According to the motto:"You should pay attention to these
bloggers this year". Everyone is happy about such a listing.
Eample: 101 top Health bloggers in Nigeria.
23. Make an interview
Tap another's brain. Other perspectives are always
interesting. And, you have less work! Eample: Link building
with content marketing for successful SEO: Online
entrepreneur, Chaktty in an interview.
24. Create a link post
A link post links to good articles from other bloggers from
your niche. According to the motto: "The best I've found this
Example: Roundup of the week: blogging daily routine.
25. Create an article full of quotes
Quotes, most of the time are more powerful than contents
Inspiring and motivating quotes give energy and spur your
readers to actions. People are not really motivated to do
great things in Nigeria, so, giving your readers interesting
quotes will fill the gap and make them feel loved . I am not a
fan of articles full of citations because they do not provide
so much added value. But for your niche it might fit very
well.Example: The 50 best quotes of internet marketing.
26. Create a resource article
Here you can recommend resources, such as products,
tools, e-books or the like.Example: How to start a profitable
27. Let someone else write for you
Not only do you have to write guest posts for others, but you
also have to accept guest posts. You still have to edit it, but
you save a lot of time.And, the other has access to your
audience. Win-win.
Be human
In business, there is far too much hypocritical
professionalism. This is totally superfluous. But you
know you have to be human:
28. Tell a personal story
We humans love stories. Of course, we are interested first.
But right after that, we want to know what your story is... so
that we will have something again afterwards!
Example: How I built a successful blog business within 2
29. Refer your audience to a
With this kind of article, you're engaging your audience.
Socialize your audience and answer their questions. You
don't have to claim the supreme. Talk about other experts
and sell their whole idea to your audience and your
audience will appreciate it and understand your influence in
your niche.
30. Carry out a survey
Use your blog article for a public survey and then publish
the results.Example: Can you help us? Take part in our
survey on online business. Write an inspiring article now
and then, your reader needs inspiration. Write a post that
moves it... and you've won a new fan.
Example: 28 things you should not do to yourself from today
31. Write a holiday article
You always have to pick up the thoughts of your reader. For
example, if it's Christmas, write an article that suits
Eample: How to drive Traffic to blog during XMAS
32. Show how it looks behind the scenes
Your true fans want to look behind the scenes. How does it
all look with you?How do you do all that you do?
Example: How I schedule my blogging works
33. Create a manifest
A manifesto motivates and ensures that everyone is on the
same level.
Example: The "let You go Well" manifesto
34. Publish a "Hi I am. Ask me Everything "article
This is a wonderful way for an extraordinary article. Here,
the focus is not on your article, but on you answering the
comments of your audience.
Example: Hi, I'm Neil Patel of KISSmetrics, crazy egg and
quick sprout... ask me Everything
Promote diligently
This part is often forgotten: the promotion. Today you
have to promote and sell everything and everyone:
35. Use celebrities' fame
Grab the attention of a celebrity and connect it to your
theme. No matter if it is alive or not!
Example: What Shakespeare can teach you about advertising
36. Write about a novelty
I'm a big fan of evergreen content. But yet we love new
things for people. When something is new, we automatically
pay attention to it. Curiosity drives us.
Example: The latest blogging secret about search engine
37. Write about a trend
Similar to the news, trends are also very tempting. Your
readers want to hear from you where the journey is going.
Example: Social media trends: what to look for in 2018
38. Write an Experience report
Experience reports are wonderful if you want to distribute
affiliate products. Describe objectively the pros and cons
and you create something of value for your reader.
Example: Jumia Affiliate Review – Step by step into becoming
Affiliate pro
39. Promote your product or service
This is the final step: offer your product or service directly in
your blog article. As long as you don't overdo it and pack the
whole thing into added value and a nice story, that's fine.
Example: Only the facts: Why you should visit techpally.
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