

Sunday, August 13, 2017

(Seo) How Increase Your Site Speed

Site Speed refers to the amount of time needed for a website to load or open. Here are some tips on how to test your sites loading speed and quickly identify opportunities that you can take advantage of to quickly boost your sites loading time.

- To determine your sites loading speed, go to Google developers tool called Page Speed Insights. And using it couldnt be easier. You just copy and paste the URL that you want to test into this box and click the “Analyze” button. And when you do that, Google will look at the code of your page and figure out how fast it probably loads.

- The first one is fast server response. Now, thats usually an issue with hosting. So if youre running a site on Bluehost or Host Gate or iPage or the other four or five-dollar per month hosts, you may want to consider bumping that up to something like Storm on Demand or Media Temple or WP Engine, thats a little more expensive, because I find that drops this significantly. The response time is much, much faster.

- Avoid redirects. All that means is if you have a lot of redirects on your sites, like link redirects or image redirects, thats usually not a big problem for most sites. And reduce [blocking] resource. When they want asynchronous resources, that just means that they want your page code layout to load more at the top than at the bottom, OK, and thats just better for user experience.

- In terms of minimize payload, thats just the sheer size of your page. Like if you have a big, fat, poorly coded page, this will be a big problem.

- Also, you want to test your site in mobile, OK, because more and more people are using mobile, and mobile page loading speed is a Google ranking factor. So just run the test on your homepage or internal page again. And over here, its default to desktop, and just click “Mobile.” And what this does is it gives you mobile-specific insights.
So obviously, mobile browsers quite a bit different, and this happens to have the same score. And youll find that a lot of the insights that they have here are similar or the same. But if you dont have, like, a mobile-friendly site, sometimes this page speed score is significantly less. So its definitely something thats worth checking out, especially if you get a significant amount of mobile users.

How to improve site speed
- Tips to Significantly increases your WordPress Sites Speed
- The first thing Im going to do is install and activate a plugin called WPSupercache. This will actually help to increase your site speed.
- So to activate it, you have to click on the red link to the plug admin page. And by default, caching is off. Click on the caching on, and then click update status. Make sure this plugin is fully optimized.

- Also install this plugin WPSmushit plugin. This plugin makes the images on your site, the file size, significantly smaller. Its makes the image size smaller without reducing the quality. once you've activated it, you'll be under your plugins page, and under “Media,” hover over it and click “Bulk Smushit,” and when you've done that, click on “Run on all images through WPSmushit right now.” it takes all your images that you've uploaded to your WordPress installation and smashes them by 38%.

- Install this plugin WPOptimize. This plugin takes some of the bulk on your WordPress site and deletes it, basically. Just install it like any other plugin. Now you need to scroll to the bottom to “WPOptimize Settings”, so click on that, and you can see that they have some optimization options.

Next, install a plugin called lazyload, and basically, what LazyLoad does is that generally, lets say that you have a page with huge content, it has a lot of images on it, and just a lot of text. It has a lot of comments, its just a huge, huge, huge page. And generally, when you load a page, it loads from up here all the way down here at once, which is not good. What lazy load does, is it loads in order of the person scrolling.

So, it'll load this and then as the person scrolls, itll load this, and as the person scrolls, it'll load this. And this a great way to improve the practical loading speed so the person doesnt need to see all the stuff at the bottom if they never scroll down there, so it just loads it one at a time as they scroll down, which for a user, can make the loading speed significantly different.

This is a small trick that you can do , in your WordPress dashboard, click on “Settings,” and then “Discussion,” and scroll to the bottom. And here is where they have the default avatar, and obviously, for users that have a Gravatar account who want their picture to appear, but people without Gravatar, they automatically have a mystery man.
But if you save this to blank, and then hit “Save Changes,” that can make a huge difference, because then all those comments where the mystery man was, all those images, that image is gone and its just blank. And no one really notices, because its not like everyone likes to see the mystery man image. And that can make a pretty significant difference on your sites loading speed.

I don't have the link to all those plugins if not, i would have posted them. You can just google it and you'll definitely find them. But if in case you didn't see any of them, you can comment below and I will post the link here.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

9 Winning Ways Ideas To Become A Pro Blogger And Freelancer

To be successful in blogging, you need knowledge, creativity,
ingenuity and lastly, funding. Many websites you see having
thousands of social likes don't just have them but they
spend thousands of bucks on promotion, they employ
experts and spend because they know it's business.
Do you see blogging as business? Are you struggling with
ideas, well, relax on a well cushioned chair and get a cup of
water and "honeyed" popcorn and read the concrete blog
article ideas i have for you. I have divided these into four
categories and I'm starting with the first category.
1. Delivering added value
2. Be generous
3.Be human
4.Promote diligently
Delivering added value
Create really high quality content. This is the basis of a
successful blog:

1. Solve a problem
Each of your blog articles must solve a serious problem for
your target audience. If not, why should your reader pay
attention to you? Example:How to stop disturbance and
block spammer on WhatsApp

2. Write a "like you" article
"Like You"-headlines are not only tempting, but "like you"
articles also provide an eerie added value. They show your
reader exactly how something can be done. Example: How
to use the Cosmo headline technique to write great

3. Write an Ultimate guide
Ultimate instructions are stretched "like you" article. They
are usually very detailed and very extensive. So they are
often divided.
Example:How to Improve App User engagement and
Retention (Detailed Guide).

4. Write a list post
List posts are not only easy to create, but also easy to scan
and easy to read. And, the reader immediately knows what
to expect and how much time he has to spend. List posts
Example: 5 fundamental mistakes that failed nigerian
bloggers make

5. Write a mega list post
Mega list posts are stretched list posts. Everything that goes
beyond 10 points is no longer read, but only scanned. This
generates enormous added value and is therefore often
shared. Example: 100 good headlines (and why they were so

6. Write an article series
Article series are so powerful because they illuminate a
particular subject matter much more closely. Write several
articles that build on each other and connect them to an
article series. Example: Step by step into making money in
recession time in Nigeria- Article series

7. Create a "Best of" article
Everyone loves a handpicked selection of your best articles.
This will save your reader a lot of time and effort.
Example: Best Article on Coconut Water Nutrition

8. Summarize older articles
Blogs are good at presenting new content. But the older
ones are often forgotten. Therefore, you should summarize
older articles and show them to your new readers over and
over again. Big G also love old articles that are updated with
new content.

9. Create a case study
Case studies are always interesting. They show your reader
in detail how a particular project was done. It's almost as if
he'd been there live. Start a blog with a bang – so you start
through (+ Case study). Example: How Top Nigerian bloggers
grow their blogs.

10. Write about the future
What could happen in your niche in the future? The world
does not stop spinning. Where do you think the journey is
going? Blogging about the future, especially if you're good in
predicting the future, this can work great in any niche. Even
without valid facts, you can update the article when the
reality actually unfold.
Example: The future of Nigeria businesses Online

11. Reveal a myth
For each topic, hundreds of myths are buzzing in the minds
of your target audience. Cover them, they have lost nothing
there! Example: The SEO Myths

12. Take part in a discussion
Blogging is a dialogue. Take part in this discussion. Do you
disagree as a fellow blogger? Then write about it. Example:
Content is no more the King but Backlink

13. Create a statistic article
Statistics are useful because they bring structure into our
chaotic world. They are especially interesting when you have
brought them together.
Example: Increase in Underage pregnancy in Nigeria

14. Deliver a checklist
Checklists or cheat sheets are wonderful because they serve
as a "reference post" – they are "Gold" for audience that
want to dig deep into a subject matter and finding a related
materials is a good deal. Example: Publish blog articles but
check list first

15. Give a freebie
No matter if you offer a free tool, plugin or pdf, write a blog
article about it.
Example:Pomote Your App free Here

16. Create an info graphic
We humans are visual animals. Therefore, deliver something
to your reader that he understands immediately. After all,
picture is more than a thousand words
Example: How to write the perfect blog article – 15 simple
steps [info graphic]

17. Create a podcast episode
Many people from your target group simply do not like to
read. Therefore, offer audio so that they can consume your
content anyway. You can even burn your content to audio
for them to download as MP3.

18. Create a video
In addition to audio, video should not be missing on your
blog. We humans stand on moving pictures! Especially when
they show you how things are done. Many Nigerian bloggers
still don't make their videos but rather link to saturated
videos of experts in their niche.

19. Write a FAQ article
List frequently asked questions and answer them. In
principle, quite simple, right? The point is, there are many
questions that great blog posts don't answer no matter how
long and detailed the article is. You can think about some
possible weird questions and answer them.

20. Write a Saq article
Not only frequently asked questions are important, but also
questions that should be asked (should asked questions)
.Example: Why is regularity the key to a successful blog?

21. Create a Glossary
A glossary is where you explain terminology on your subject
and is always helpful. Especially for beginners. Example:
Many beginners in blogging don't know the meaning of serp,
IM, black hat, grey hat, Big G, canonical, anchor text etc
Be Generous
Blogging is a very social medium. Therefore, you must
be generous in accordance with the law of reciprocity:

22. Create an influencer article
Here, you introduce the influencers from your niche.
According to the motto:"You should pay attention to these
bloggers this year". Everyone is happy about such a listing.
Eample: 101 top Health bloggers in Nigeria.

23. Make an interview
Tap another's brain. Other perspectives are always
interesting. And, you have less work! Eample: Link building
with content marketing for successful SEO: Online
entrepreneur, Chaktty in an interview.

24. Create a link post
A link post links to good articles from other bloggers from
your niche. According to the motto: "The best I've found this
Example: Roundup of the week: blogging daily routine.

25. Create an article full of quotes
Quotes, most of the time are more powerful than contents
Inspiring and motivating quotes give energy and spur your
readers to actions. People are not really motivated to do
great things in Nigeria, so, giving your readers interesting
quotes will fill the gap and make them feel loved . I am not a
fan of articles full of citations because they do not provide
so much added value. But for your niche it might fit very
well.Example: The 50 best quotes of internet marketing.

26. Create a resource article
Here you can recommend resources, such as products,
tools, e-books or the like.Example: How to start a profitable

27. Let someone else write for you
Not only do you have to write guest posts for others, but you
also have to accept guest posts. You still have to edit it, but
you save a lot of time.And, the other has access to your
audience. Win-win.
Be human
In business, there is far too much hypocritical
professionalism. This is totally superfluous. But you
know you have to be human:

28. Tell a personal story
We humans love stories. Of course, we are interested first.
But right after that, we want to know what your story is... so
that we will have something again afterwards!
Example: How I built a successful blog business within 2

29. Refer your audience to a
With this kind of article, you're engaging your audience.
Socialize your audience and answer their questions. You
don't have to claim the supreme. Talk about other experts
and sell their whole idea to your audience and your
audience will appreciate it and understand your influence in
your niche.

30. Carry out a survey
Use your blog article for a public survey and then publish
the results.Example: Can you help us? Take part in our
survey on online business. Write an inspiring article now
and then, your reader needs inspiration. Write a post that
moves it... and you've won a new fan.
Example: 28 things you should not do to yourself from today

31. Write a holiday article
You always have to pick up the thoughts of your reader. For
example, if it's Christmas, write an article that suits
Eample: How to drive Traffic to blog during XMAS

32. Show how it looks behind the scenes
Your true fans want to look behind the scenes. How does it
all look with you?How do you do all that you do?
Example: How I schedule my blogging works

33. Create a manifest
A manifesto motivates and ensures that everyone is on the
same level.
Example: The "let You go Well" manifesto

34. Publish a "Hi I am. Ask me Everything "article
This is a wonderful way for an extraordinary article. Here,
the focus is not on your article, but on you answering the
comments of your audience.
Example: Hi, I'm Neil Patel of KISSmetrics, crazy egg and
quick sprout... ask me Everything
Promote diligently
This part is often forgotten: the promotion. Today you
have to promote and sell everything and everyone:

35. Use celebrities' fame
Grab the attention of a celebrity and connect it to your
theme. No matter if it is alive or not!
Example: What Shakespeare can teach you about advertising

36. Write about a novelty
I'm a big fan of evergreen content. But yet we love new
things for people. When something is new, we automatically
pay attention to it. Curiosity drives us.
Example: The latest blogging secret about search engine

37. Write about a trend
Similar to the news, trends are also very tempting. Your
readers want to hear from you where the journey is going.
Example: Social media trends: what to look for in 2018

38. Write an Experience report
Experience reports are wonderful if you want to distribute
affiliate products. Describe objectively the pros and cons
and you create something of value for your reader.
Example: Jumia Affiliate Review – Step by step into becoming
Affiliate pro

39. Promote your product or service
This is the final step: offer your product or service directly in
your blog article. As long as you don't overdo it and pack the
whole thing into added value and a nice story, that's fine.
Example: Only the facts: Why you should visit techpally.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Etisalat is rebranding their network to 9Mobile

The network had debuted with the 0809 number plan in 2008, which may have informed use of the figure 9 in rebranding the network. The rebranded network, 9Mobile, is also expected to drop the domain name,

Etisalat International of the United Arab Emirates parted ways with its Nigerian partner, Emerging Markets Telecommunications Services Ltd, trading as Etisalat Nigeria in the wake of a crisis over a $1.2 billion loan package, which defied solutions.

Last Monday, Hatem Dowidar, CEO of Etisalat International, announced that “discussions were ongoing with Etisalat Nigeria to provide technical support; it can use the brand for another three weeks before phasing it out.”

This followed the termination of a management agreement with Etisalat Nigeria by its brand parent, Etisalat International.
Dowidar added that “all UAE shareholders of Etisalat Nigeria have exited the company and have left the board and management,” including United Arab Emirates-owned investment fund, Mubadala.

Etisalat Nigeria took out a $1.2 billion (N377.4 billion) loan with 13 Nigerian banks in 2013 to refinance an existing loan and fund expansion, but four years later, it was still struggling to repay the loans.
Asked if the company will return to Nigeria, Dowidar said: “The train has left the station on that one. Being in that market as an investor … are we willing to risk more money compared to the reward for the long-term?

“Etisalat is among the top two in markets such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt and Afghanistan.(Nigerian) lenders may try to continue to operate the company until they find a buyer (or) they may merge the company with the existing players in Nigeria.

Not the first telecom brand change 
The coming of 9Mobile is similar to that of Vmobile (0802), though the driving circumstances are different. Following completion of the first round of GSM licensing, Econet Wireless Nigeria, EWN, started business with the 0802 number plan on August 5, 2001.
All seemed well, until 2004, when after a shareholder dispute, the company was purchased by Vodacom of South Africa. Suddenly, Vodacom pulled out of the country in one of the shortest-lived corporate deals. The company quickly pulled itself together, and resumed trading as VMobile Nigeria, owned by Vee Networks Limited.

As the year 2006 dawned, subscribers who were just getting used to the Vmobile brand name could not know that soon another brand name change was imminent.
In May of that year, Celtel International, owned and promoted by a Sudanese electronics engineer, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, acquired majority equity in Vee Networks. Again, a little over two years after the Celtel brand had become entrenched, Mo Ibrahim’s Celtel International fell prey to another corporate investor, MTC Group of Kuwait, which later tranformed into the Zain Group. Zain effected another re-branding.

Finally in March 2010, Bharti Airtel of India bought over Zain’s operations in Sub-Saharan Africa, which included Nigeria, and the company was renamed Airtel Nigeria, which it has been to date.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

NigeNigerian spirit of excellencean spirit of excellencegerian spirit of excellenceST when the heat was beginning to die down on Emerging Markets Telecommunications Service, EMTS, (known as Etisalat Nigeria) over the lingering $1.2bn loan repayment saga, a fresh chapter which may add to the headache the telecom company has had to live with in the last four months, has just opened. Etisalat International wants the Nigerian arm to discontinue the use of Etisalat as the brand name.

The group has given just three weeks for Etisalat Nigeria to get a new identity. Following the divestments of parent body, Etisalat of UAE and Mubadala, chairman of the board of the company, Hakeem Bello-Osagie and top executives of the company, penultimate week, resigned, paving the way for a new management team which came into place just last week.

After the new board was put in place, it appeared normalcy had returned to the embattled company, Monday, when chief executive of United Arab Emirates based Etisalat International, Hatem Dowidar, announced a complete withdrawal of Etisalat in the Nigerian telecoms sector. This followed the termination of a management agreement with Etisalat Nigeria and subsequent withdrawal of all UAE shareholders.
In an interview with Reuters, Dowidar confirmed that, “all UAE shareholders of Etisalat Nigeria have exited the company and have left the board and management.” He also disclosed that discussions were ongoing with Etisalat Nigeria to provide technical support, however, the Nigerian company can only use the brand for another three weeks before phasing it out completely.

EMTS reacts: However, the Nigerian company seems to be calling the bluff of its UAE estranged partner. Vice President, Regulatory and Corporate Affairs, Etisalat Nigeria, Ibrahim Dikko, said, “EMTS has a valid and subsisting agreement with the Etisalat Group, which entitles EMTS to use the Etisalat brand, notwithstanding the recent changes within the Company.

Nigerian spirit of excellence 
Indeed, discussions are ongoing between EMTS and Etisalat Group pertaining to the continued use of the brand, and EMTS will issue a formal statement once discussions are concluded. The final outcome on the use of the brand in no way affects the operations of the business as our full range of services remain available to our customers.

“EMTS launched in Nigeria in 2008 with “ 0809ja ” to affirm the Nigerianness of our origin and sphere of influence. In our nine years of operation, we have remained a prime driver and avid supporter of the Nigerian spirit of excellence, and we will continue to stay true to our Naijacentric identity. Nigeria remains the soul of EMTS’ business and we have made the brand alluring to our teeming subscribers who see a piece of the spirit and character of Nigeria in everything we do. EMTS is here to stay and we wish to assure our esteemed customers that our core values of youthfulness, customer-centricity and innovation will remain the pillars on which we operate.”

Complications in new brand name: Although Etisalat Nigeria has said the development is not in any way capable of shifting its focus from providing quality telecoms services to its over 21 million subscribers in Nigeria, the reality of getting a new brand name in just three weeks is what stakeholders in the telecoms industry, feel is impossible. Besides, when the creditors attempted a takeover late last month, the telecom regulator, Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, sounded a clear note of warning that a takeover or change of brand name may have complications due to the provisions of the Nigerian Communications Act.

Director Public Affairs, NCC, Mr Tony Ojobo, in a statement, said: “The commission has drawn the attention of the banks to provisions of the Nigerian Communications Act (NCA) 2003 Section 38: Sub section 1 which says: ‘The grant of a licence shall be personal to the licencee and the licence shall not be operated by, assigned, sub licensed or transferred to another party unless the prior written approval of the commission has been granted. “Sub section 2: A licencee shall at all times comply by the terms and conditions of the licence and the provision of this act and its subsidiary legislation.”

Even on the new development, though Ojobo could not be reached for comments, an NCC source said the commission still stands firmly by the provisions of the Nigerian Communications Act, adding that the law must be applied where necessary without prejudice to whatever arrangements are on ground. In the light of these difficulties, stakeholders expressed disappointment that Etisalat international gave the Nigerian company a mere three weeks to complete a task as complicated as taking on a new brand name.

A telecom sector analyst Dr. Thompson Ona stated that non-friends of the Nigerian economy must not be allowed to win. His words, “when this issue started, I warned the sector of the impending doom that could befall the company if Etisalat Nigeria is allowed to be messed up by interests that cannot be considered friends of the Nigerian economy. This is the way it begins. I said it that Nigeria should challenge the withdrawal of these investors, knowing that they have a huge debt incurred together with the Nigerian arm of the business. Now, they are rubbing the insult in, with a three-week ultimatum for Etisalat Nigeria to create a new brand name; where has it happened before?
“I strongly suggest that the NCC, CBN and all telecom operators, tell Etisalat International that its ultimatum is wicked; its idea of creating a new brand name in three weeks, preposterous.”

He added that the operators should jettison anti competitive tendencies in this matter and support Etisalat Nigeria fully, considering that if allowed to stand, the decision of the UAE based telecom operator may have a domino effect on all their operations.
Also, a Lagos based telecom lawyer, Chukwu Nwachukwu said that the thought of getting a new brand name in three weeks with all the processes involved is almost laughable. “I do not know if Etisalat Nigeria had started the processes before this ultimatum, but what I know is that the company cannot do a better job and may not get a better brand image with a brand name put in place in just three weeks. It should negotiate with its former partners for an extension of time. That is the only way to get a real deal.”

Telecom brand change template: The brand name change, when it happens, will not be the first on the nation’s telecommunications landscape. Following completion of the first round of GSM licensing, Econet Wireless Nigeria (EWN) started business with the 0802 number plan on August 5, 2001. All seemed well, until 2004, when after a shareholder dispute, the company was purchased by Vodacom of South Africa. Suddenly Vodacom pulled out of the country in one of the shortest-lived corporate deals. The company quickly pulled itself together, and resumed trading as VMobile Nigeria, owned by Vee Networks Limited.

As the year 2006 dawned, subscribers who were just getting used to the Vmobile brand name could not know that soon another brand name change was imminent. In May of that year, Celtel International, owned and promoted by a Sudanese electronics engineer, Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim, acquired majority equity in Vee Networks. Again, a little over two years after the Celtel brand had become entrenched, Mo Ibrahim’s Celtel International fell prey to another corporate investor, MTC Group of Kuwait, which later transformed into the Zain Group. Zain effected another re-branding.

Finally in March 2010, Bharti Airtel of India bought over Zain’s operations in sub-Saharan Africa, which included Nigeria and the company was renamed Airtel Nigeria, which it has been to date. So in effecting a brand name, there is already a template to copy. However, the case with Etisalat Nigeria’s is that the parent body wants the Nigerian arm to do away with the name in three weeks.

Genesis of Etisalat Nigeria
EMTS, trading as Etisalat Nigeria, is a Nigerian company duly incorporated under the laws of Nigeria in partnership with Mubadala Development Company and Etisalat of the United Arab Emirates. It acquired the Unified Access Licence from the Federal Government in January 2007. The licence includes a mobile licence and spectrum in the GSM 1800 and 900 MHz bands. Etisalat acquired a 40 per cent stake in EMTS and became the operator of the Unified Access Licence.

The telecom company made the first official call on its network on March 13, 2008 in the presence of officials from the Nigerian Communications Commission, NCC, and the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. In September of same year, it kicked off commercial operations with the 0809uchoose campaign which enabled Nigerians choose numbers special to them as their mobile numbers.

The company since then has grown geometrically, accumulating over 21 million subscribers on its network, employing over 5000 workers and controlling well over 13 percent market share. It has also made investments in network infrastructure, roll out expansion, mobile broadband and other corporate social responsibility and development initiatives, including the Etisalat prizes for innovation and Literature.

Its former partner, the Etisalat of UAE has been the telecommunications service provider in the United Arab Emirates since 1976 and has footprints in 18 countries traversing the Middle East, Asia and Africa. In its many years of operations, it has built up state-of-the-art telecom infrastructure and taken a leadership position of innovation, and quality service delivery among regional and international operators.

International Operators
This gave Nigerians hope that despite being about the last entrant in the Nigerian telecom sector, it has all it takes to help EMTS weather the storm. To actually prove this, the three investors making up Etisalat Nigeria unfolded their investment plans to make the brand a strong competition to already existing operators.

Network rehabilitation: In April 2013, the company announced it would invest over $500 million to expand its network, enabling further potential market growth of 17 per cent and went ahead to obtain a medium term loan of $1.2bn from a consortium of 13 banks, which it used to refinance an existing $650 million loan and fund a modernisation of its network.
The loan, which involved a foreign-backed guaranty bond, was for it to finance a major network rehabilitation and expansion of its operational base in Nigeria. However since 2016, the consortium of banks has been having a running battle with the mobile telephone operator over repayment of the loan facility.

Meanwhile, Etisalat said that it had consistently serviced the debt until when it began to experience cash flow problems following the steep depreciation of the naira and the impact on its foreign currency denominated exposure. It, however, revealed that the outstanding loan sum to the consortium stands at $227m and N113bn, a total of about $574m if the naira portion is converted to US dollars. This in essence means almost half of the original loan of $1.2bn has been repaid.

Following breakdown in negotiations, the company’s two foreign investors, Emirates Telecommunications Service and Mubadala withdrew their interest in the concern, compounding the problems of EMTS. Now, it appears a takeover is most likely. However, there are indications that UK based Orange Telecom and Vodafone are in pole frame to fill the void left by Emirates telecom and Mubadala.

Although many other companies are reported to be in the battle to cut the Etisalat pie, inside sources at Etisalat hinted that Orange and Vodafone Group are in strong positions to buy 65 per cent of Etisalat Nigeria following the exit of Mubadala and ETS. However, whether these companies would be able to complete acquisition of the company and effect a name change all in three weeks is left to be seen.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Google announces it's London data centre for cloud computing services

Google reveals it's London data centre for the cloud computing services it rents to third parties.

The facility is its second in Europe, after Brussels, and promises to provide faster access times to nearby clients.
Google is currently the third most capable cloud computing service provider, according to a recent study .

But the report, by Gartner, suggested Amazon and Microsoft had a clear lead.
The technology consultancy added that in terms of sales to the "cloud infrastructure as a service" market, Google's share was also a "distant third".

'Lower latency'

Until now, the search giant has focused on opening data centres for its cloud computing platform in the US and Asia, where it has bases in Singapore, Taiwan and Tokyo.
But in announcing the London centre, it also disclosed plans to open facilities in Finland, the Netherlands and Frankfurt.

"GCP [Google Cloud Platform] customers throughout the British Isles and Western Europe will see significant reductions in latency when they run their workloads in the London region," said product manager Dave Stiver, referring to processing delays caused by the distances data has to travel.

"In cities like London, Dublin, Edinburgh and Amsterdam, our performance testing shows 40% to 82% reductions in round-trip latency when serving customer from London compared with the Belgium region."

A spokeswoman for the company added that the decision to build a London centre had been taken before the Brexit vote and was therefore unrelated to speculation that the UK's data privacy laws may diverge from the EU's in the future.

'Deep discounts'

Google's platform allows clients to offload data processing tasks and information storage, including support for apps they may offer to the public and analysing feedback gathered from internet-connected devices.

By charging customers for the amount of compute time they use rather than a flat rate, Google seeks to provide IT departments with a cheaper alternative to maintaining their own data centres.

The company's existing customers include the Telegraph newspaper, Coca-Cola and the online education service Khan Academy.
At present, GCP offers fewer features than Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure, but it is catching up, according to Gartner.

"Google uses deep discounts and exceptionally flexible contracts to try to win projects from customers that are currently spending significant sums of money with cloud competitors," its June report said.

Gartner added: "GCP is increasingly chosen as a strategic alternative to AWS by customers whose businesses compete with Amazon."
Last month it emerged that Wal-Mart had urged its IT vendors not to use Amazon's service because it did not want its "most sensitive data... sitting on a competitor's platform".
Google does not disclose revenue for its cloud platform, but analysts estimate that it generated about $1bn (£776m) of sales last year and forecast it will double that amount in 2018.
By contrast, market leader AWS generated $12.2bn of sales in the past financial year, and is more profitable than Amazon's better-known retail business.
Microsoft will update investors on Azure's performance when it posts its full year's results next week.
On Monday, it announced a new hybrid service that would allow customers to run Azure's technologies on their own servers.
Azure Stack is being targeted at operations that have slow or non-existent internet connections - such as oil rigs and ships - as well as countries where data must be stored locally.

Apple's China data centre

In a related development, Apple has announced it is setting up its first data centre in China.
The facility is being developed in conjunction with a local company - Guizhou-Cloud Big Data Industry - and will be used to deliver its iCloud services to the public.

"This data centre will allow us to improve the speed and reliability of our products and services while also complying with newly passed regulations," Apple said in a statement.

"No backdoors will be created into any of our systems."

China introduced a law in June that requires overseas-based companies to both store data about its citizens locally and to give Chinese companies control over the operation of the computer servers involved.

Apple has said it will retain the relevant encryption keys and has indicated the move will not compromise users' privacy.

But some experts have suggested it could put the company under more pressure to acquiesce to government demands in the case of future disputes.

Vertu Phone Maker About To Liquidate

A smartphones manufaturer based in Britain will be liquidating after a plan to save it failed.

Vertu was known for its high-end, jewel-encrusted handsets, but recently faced financial difficulties.
The company's liquidation will result in the loss of nearly 200 jobs.

One technology analyst said Vertu would have faced competition from companies offering to customise other smartphones with precious materials.
Vertu phones carry hefty price tags - its Signature range starts at £11,100, and one model featuring 18-carat red gold costs £39,100.

When contacted, an external spokesman for the firm said: "Well it's gone into liquidation and I'm not being paid by them any more."
In March, the company was sold by its former Chinese owner to Hakan Uzan, a Turkish exile in Pari

The Dailly Telegraph  reports that he had planned to pay £1.9m to bring the company out of administration, but it had an accounting deficit of £128m.

Mr Uzan will retain the Vertu brand, technology and licenses.
"It is very unusual, they hand make the phone at incredibly low volumes and they were incredibly high-priced," said Ian Fogg, an analyst at IHS Technology.
He pointed out that some of Vertu's recent phones had used synthetic sapphire for its screens - something that Apple had considered for its iPhones but later abandoned because of production issues.

"It is a difficult material to work with," Mr Fogg told the BBC. "One practical benefit is that the smartphone screen is made incredibly difficult to break."
He also pointed out that other businesses that offered to customise consumer smartphones with precious stones or metals offered an alternative.
That meant that wealthy customers could choose the handset they wanted but add the desired "bling" later.

Vertu was founded by Nokia in 1998, but it was sold in 2012, and the following year Vertu switched from using Nokia's Symbian operating system on its devices to Google's Android.

Friday, June 30, 2017

The Latest World Cyberattack, More Sophisticated and Spreading, Says Experts

The second cyberattack in as many months that struck
systems around the world was more sophisticated than
the first one and is still spreading, Europol has said.

It says companies and governments are being targeted by
an updated version of a known virus.

Tuesday's attack, believed to have started in Ukraine,
brought disruption to major organisations including the
Chernobyl radiation monitoring system, European bank BNP
Paribas, advertising firm WPP and parts of the Ukrainian
government computer system.

The Danish owner of the world's largest container shipper
Maersk Line said its computer systems were also affected,
causing problems with processing orders and delaying

It came just weeks after the NHS was crippled by a cyber attack.
Europol, which helps EU member states fight international
crime, said the attack is still ongoing and it is monitoring the
spread of the virus.

More than a day after it first struck, companies around the
world are still wrestling with the fallout while cybersecurity
experts worked round the clock to find a way to stem the

Europol executive director Rob Wainwright said: "This is
another serious ransomware attack with global impact,
although the number of victims is not yet known.

"There are clear similarities with the WannaCry attack, but
also indications of a more sophisticated attack capability,
intended to exploit a range of vulnerabilities.

"It is a demonstration of how cybercrime evolves."
Europol says there are close links to the Petrwrap virus - a
type of malware believed to be behind the latest attack.
However, global security firm Kaspersky Lab said the attack
was a new form of malware that shared similarities to the
malware but also "possesses entirely different functionality".

Kaspersky said the virus had attacked around 2,000
organisations and businesses so far with Ukraine and Russia
the worst affected although Poland, Italy, the UK, Germany,
France, Denmark, Norway, India, Australia and the US were
also hit.

In the attack, the virus encrypted computer files and
demands payment of £235 ransom in the online currency
Bitcoin for the return of the data.

WPP said that a day after its system was struck it was still
trying to restore some of its services.
The company said: "Having taken steps to contain the attack,
the priority now is to return to normal as soon as possible
while protecting our systems."

A BNP Paribas spokeswoman said: "The necessary measures
were taken rapidly to contain this attack."

Operations Cancelled After Cyberattack After NHS Hospitals Was Hacked

A ransomware cyberattack on the NHS has brought the
service into meltdown with operations cancelled and GP
surgeries closed.

Non-emergency procedures have been suspended and
ambulances are being diverted as part of what is now
believed to be a co-ordinated attack targeting dozens of

The IT systems of 23 NHS organisations in England and
Scotland, including many trusts and hospitals, have been
affected by the ransomware attack.
The attacks involve malicious software blocking victims from
accessing data and demanding a ransom in exchange for
access being returned.

One junior doctor, who wished to remain anonymous, told
Sky News the hackers had "stopped access to everything,
including patients' medical records" at their hospital and
warned: "It could be potentially life-threatening."
Some hospitals such as Colchester General Hospital have
not been directly targeted but are protecting their IT systems
by completely shutting them down as a precaution.

Prime Minister Theresa May said there was no evidence
patient records had been compromised.

Other organisations in up to 74 countries have also fallen
victim, including Spanish telecommunications firm
Telefonica and Portugal Telecom. Tens of thousands of
computers are thought to be affected worldwide.

NHS Digital, which runs the health service's IT systems,
believes it has identified the malware software known as
WannaCry, also known as Wanna Decryptor, which appears
to be requesting $300 from victims to decrypt their

"At this stage we do not have any evidence that patient data
has been accessed," NHS Digital said, adding that it will
"continue to work with affected organisations to confirm

"NHS Digital is working closely with the National Cyber
Security Centre, the Department of Health and NHS England
to support affected organisations and to recommend
appropriate mitigations.
"This attack was not specifically targeted at the NHS and is
affecting organisations from across a range of sectors."
Sky News producer Wil Longbottom, who was receiving
treatment at Lister Hospital in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, as
the cyberattack was under way, said: "It's pretty chaotic -
when I arrived I was told there was a 'situation' involving
major trauma with some patients being sent to other

"Hospital staff are rushed off their feet as they have to take
blood tests by hand to other departments from A&E, and
they can't access medical records or check information."

The incident has also reached Scotland, where half of the
health boards have been affected by the attack.
NHS Lanarkshire said only patients who required emergency
treatment should go to hospital while the problem was
being investigated.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland's biggest board, as
well as NHS Tayside, NHS Dumfries and Galloway and NHS
Forth Valley said some of their GP surgeries had been

NHS Western Isles, NHS Fife and NHS Borders also said they
had, to some degree, been disrupted.
The ransomware software appears to have incorporated
code developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA),
which was made public earlier this year by a group calling
itself the Shadow Brokers.

NHS organisations have had since March to patch the
vulnerabilities which were made public as a result of the
Shadow Brokers' online dump of NSA hacking tools.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

39 Shortcut Keys In Google Chrome Browser

Here are a list of shortcuts keys available in google chrome browser. Let's go to the main business without wasting of time.

1) Alt+Home Open your homepage.

2) Alt+Tab Toggle between browser windows

3) Alt+Left Arrow Back a page.

4) Alt+Right Arrow Forward a page.

5) F11 Display the current website in full-screen mode.

6) Pressing F11 again will exit this mode.

7) Esc Stop page or download from loading.

8) Ctrl+(- or +) Zoom in our out of a page '-' will decrease and '+' will increase. Ctrl+0 will reset back to default.

9) Ctrl+1-8 Pressing Ctrl and any number 1 through 8 will move to the corresponding tab in your tab bar.

10) Ctrl+9 Switch to last tab.

11) Ctrl+0 Reset browser zoom to default

12) Ctrl+Enter Quickly complete an address. For example, type Newlyloaded in the address bar and press Ctrl+Enter to get

13) Ctrl+Shift+Del Open the Clear Data window to quickly clear private data.

14) Ctrl+Shift+B Toggle the bookmarks bar between hidden and shown.

15) Ctrl+A Select everything on a page.

16) Ctrl+D Add a bookmark for the page currently opened.

17) Ctrl+F Open the "find" bar to search text on the current page.

18) Ctrl+O Open a file in the browser.

19) Ctrl+Shift+O Open the Bookmark manager.

20) Ctrl+H Open history in a new tab.

21) Ctrl+J Display the downloads window.

22) Ctrl+K or Ctrl+E Perform a Google search.

23) Ctrl+L Move the cursor to the browser address bar and
highlight everything in it.

24) Ctrl+N Open New browser window.

25) Ctrl+Shift+N Open a new window in incognito (private)

26) Ctrl+P Print current page or frame.

27) Ctrl+R or F5 Refresh the current page or frame.

28) Ctrl+S Saves the current page

29) Ctrl+T Opens a new tab.

30) Ctrl+U View a web page's source code

31) Ctrl+W Closes the currently selected tab.

32) Ctrl+Shift+W Closes the currently selected window.

33) Ctrl+Shift+T Reopens the last tab you've closed (up to 10).

34) Ctrl+Tab Moves through each of the open tabs.

35) Ctrl+Left-click Open the link in a new tab in the background.

36) Ctrl+Shift Left-click Open the link in a new tab and switch to the new tab.

37) Spacebar Moves down a page at a time.

38) Shift+Spacebar Moves up a page at a time.

39) Alt+Down Arrow Display all previous text entered in a text box and available options on adrop-down menu.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Computers Have Been Trained To Spot Fake Online Profiles

Researchers have trained computers to spot social media users who pose as somebody else - a practice known as catfishing. They say their algorithms can identify users who lie about their gender, with more than 90% accuracy.
Most dating website users say they have encountered at least one fake profile, according to consumer group Which?
And the number of people defrauded by dating scams reached a record high in 2016.
Analysing data from 5,000 verified public profiles manually checked by employees on adult content site Pornhub, the algorithms learned how men and women of different ages interacted with others, how they commented on posts and their style of writing.
That allowed them to trawl the rest of the website in search of those lying about their gender and their age.
Testing ground
The study suggested almost 40% of the site's users lied about their age and 25% lied about their gender, with women more likely to deceive than men.
Dr Walid Magdy, of the University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics, said: "Adult websites are populated by users who claim to be other than who they are, so these are a perfect testing ground for techniques that identify catfishes."
"What was interesting was that it seems that for many the reason for lying was to get more friends and subscribers."
Dr Magdy said the algorithms, developed by computer scientists at Edinburgh University, in collaboration with Lancaster University, Queen Mary University, London and King's College, London, could "lead to useful tools to flag dishonest users and keep social networks of all kinds safe".
"It has many applications such as people who fake accounts on Twitter for political reasons or for children who fake accounts to access adult websites," he said.
The study will be presented at a conference in Australia on the future of social networks.

'Scamer Are Being Kicked Out Of The Way Through Conning

We waste scammers' time, we waste their resources and we make them believe they are not as good as they think they are," Jill - not her real name - explains.

She is part of a global network of so-called scam baiters, who spend their evenings trying to unearth online con artists by pretending to fall for their tricks.
The ruses can range from emails saying the recipients have won the lottery, to "long-lost relatives" who have left them an inheritance.

"Scammers are always going to be there but if we can take them down a peg and take a victim away from them any time we can, then we are doing something good," Jill adds.
One of the main techniques, explains Wayne - a scam baiter who often works with Jill - is by leaking scammers' details and their conversation scripts online.
The aim is for these to filter through to search-engine results, so potential victims will be alerted if they type in the scammer's name.

Wayne says police and other authorities use the data, too.
The scam baiters say they do not earn a penny from their work and that they have other reasons for taking on the con artists.
One man from the US, who wished to remain anonymous, wanted to turn the tables after his mother was caught up in a "grandparent scam", and came close to losing $5,000 (£3,900).
For Wayne, the motivation is simply the "buzz" he receives from knowing he can help someone.

He says people have contacted him via his website on the verge of suicide.
Questions remain, however, over whether scam baiters are sufficiently equipped - or best placed - to deal with scammers rather than the authorities.
Official advice is to report any suspected offenders to Action Fraud - the UK's national fraud and cyber-crime centre, which focuses much of its resources on prevention and raising awareness.

And Wayne says scam baiters do point people towards the official routes when they feel out of their depth.
But Jill argues they still play an important role, as advances in technology and the fact many of the scammers are overseas mean it is difficult for authorities to catch such criminals.

And they reject the label vigilante. "Vigilantes work outside the law," says Wayne.
'Twisted' humour
Wayne's set-up is rudimentary. He works under various aliases, mostly named after characters from his favourite children's television shows of his youth.
He often makes himself seem more vulnerable - and potentially gullible - by pretending to have recently broken up from a partner.

"To bait you do need to have something of a twisted sense of humour," he jokes.
Both Wayne and Jill always wait to be approached by scammers, rather than seeking them out.
But they don't have to wait long. Their names are on a so-called "suckers list" - effectively a database of people thought to be easy to con - which is passed around by scammers online.

The latest to get in touch is a man who emails Jill to say she has won the lottery in Africa.
Pretending to be husband and wife, Wayne and Jill make a joint call back, the aim being to waste the scammer's time by arguing about which one of them gets the money.
Death threat
They often have other scam baiters on stand-by who can be brought in to play other characters in their facade, to confuse the scammer - and waste their time - for as long as they wish.

Surprisingly, Jill considers her biggest success to be the time she received a death threat from a scammer she had targeted.
"If you get a death threat you know you've really wound someone up. I had one scammer driving round Madrid for a day trying to find 'Lynn', who had gone to Madrid.
"Of course, I hadn't gone to Madrid, I was in my front room. He got so upset and said, 'I'm going to come and find you. I don't care what the penalty for murder is in the UK, I'm going to find you'."

Jill tells it as a funny anecdote, but it underlines the dangers involved.
"I take great care in protecting my online persona," she says.
"I bait with email addresses that aren't traceable. I don't use any of my real-life information. All of my characters are based somewhere 100 miles away from where I live."
Asked whether the death threat suggested scam baiters were taking their cause too far, she firmly disagrees.
"None of us are taking this far enough. These people are criminals. They don't deserve our sympathy.
"They rob our elderly relatives, so they deserve to be treated as criminals. If we could get them arrested, we would."

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

How To Earn FreeAirtime With Geopoll App

Geopoll is a mobile surveying platform revolutionizing the way data is collected. They conduct surveys through the mobile phone to help share your voice and opinions with the world. Their partners include non-profit and international organizations, and businesses worldwide.

GeoPoll surveys are always FREE to respond and many offer airtime credit on your phone. Information is anonymously collected, and they promise never to share your personal identifiable information.

How It Works
GeoPoll sends you short surveys on your mobile phone, and you can earn free airtime credit for every survey you complete. Don't be worried or scared about the questions. It's very simple and straightforward and the answers are there with options.

Most of the questions are personal stuffs that you provide and earn money. You wouldn't imagine how much airtime you will get .
Geopoll comes in handy and in a new way with simple surveys which turn out to be generating airtime for you.

What You Can Do With The Airtime 
️ It can be used to make calls.
 You can use it to subscribe for data plans of your choice.
 It can be transferred to another number etc.

How To Start Earning 
To join, download GeoPoll App.
 Then, input your country, and phone number to register. You will start getting surveys. Each survey comes with a free airtime.

How To Redeem Your Airtime 
It's simple. Once you have up to N100 or above on your dashboard, you just have to click on the "redeem" button and select the amount you want to withdraw. It will immediately get into the phone number on your dashboard via VTU. Networks supported are MTN, Etisalat, Glo and Airtel.

How To Get Your Referral Link 
To get your geopoll referral link, click on settings at the top left corner of the app and select "invite friends". Then click on share to get yours. You can also share directly to whatsapp, Facebook and even SMS.

Register With Your Number Then Use This As Your Referral Code: 00YJD1U
Download Geopoll App Here.

The Smartphone Made For Hackers - See Specifications and How To Make Yours

The Pwn Phone is a Pwnieexpress Device. It runs on LG Nexux 5 hardware and is powered by a Debian version of Kali Linux, developed by Pwnieexpress, named Pwnix. It is a very powerful penetration testing device which has 2 Gb RAM, 16 GB ROM, Qualcomm Snapdragon 2.3 GHz quad core CPU and a high-performance GPU Adreno 330, 450 MHz. It supports dual band external wireless card and includes more than 100 open source penetration testing tools like mdk3, tshark, wifite, metasploit and many more.

Core Features 
High performance CPU/GPU, HD display, powerful battery

External high-gain 802.11b/g/n wireless supporting packet injection & monitor mode

External high-gain Bluetooth supporting packet injection (up to 1000′)

External USB-Ethernet adapter for wired network pentesting

Custom Android front-end with One-Touch

Pentesting apps, including Evil AP, Strings Watch, Full-Packet Capture, Bluetooth Scan, & SSL Strip

Custom Kali Linux back-end with comprehensive pentesting suite, including Metasploit, SET, Kismet, Aircrack-NG, SSLstrip, Ettercap-NG, Bluelog, Wifite, Reaver, MDK3, & FreeRADIUS-WPE

One-Touch in-product updates keeps your toolkit up to date with the click of a button

6 different covert channels to t8vunnel through application-aware firewalls & IPS

Unlocked 4G/LTE GSM (SIM card not included)

Includes USB OTG cable (for USB host-mode) Includes protective hard-shell case.

So now the penetration testing device could be in your pocket, thanks to Pwnieexpress.

But it's quite Expensive though - $1095 dollars - about N390,000. You could check out the store for it or you can follow the instructions on their website to create your own hacking phone.
- Note : You may brick your device if you don't follow the instructions there carefully and I won't be responsible for anything that occurs to your deviceBut it's quite Expensive though - $1095 dollars - about N390,000.

You could check out the store for it or you can follow the instructions on their website to create your own hacking phone - Note : You may brick your device if you don't follow the instructions there carefully and I won't be responsible for anything that occurs to your device ; Check out the store for instructions.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

1.7 Million Snapchat Details Leaked By Indian Hackers

A few days ago, A former employee of Snapchat revealed that Evan Spiegel (Snapchat CEO) made a remark in 2015 that Snapchat was originally meant for rich people not poor countries like India and Spain.

Apparently this didn't go down too well with the Indians and sparked rage online. In response to that anonymous Indian hackers have claimed to leak the database of 1.7 million Snapchat users, which they hacked last year.

According to the hackers, they had found vulnerability in Snapchat database last year and had siphoned details of 1.7 million users. Hackers leaked and made this data based available on the darknet to mark their resentment against the company's remark on India.
Indian hackers are among one of the best in the world of IT and experts at bounty hunting.

Hackers said they had found the bug earlier but never used the data but the 'arrogance' of the Snapchat CEO annoyed them.
They have further threatened to carry out an intensive strike against the company on the virtual world till the CEO apologies for his remark.

Although, Snapchat has not confirmed any successful hack and leak yet. In response to the comment, Indians started campaigning against the app and Snapchat's rating dropped to a 'single star' from an apparent 'five star' on the Apple App Store.
Snapchat is reportedly suing the employee to court.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

My dogs eat better than many Nigerians - Davido's brother Adewale (photos)

David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido is one of Nigeria's most popular musicians. He is also the son of Nigerian Senator Deji Adeleke and so his flamboyant lifestyle is well known.

However, his brother Adewale Adeleke seems to be stepping up to the plate.David Adeleke, popularly known as Davido is one of Nigeria's most popular musicians. He is also the son of Nigerian Senator Deji Adeleke and so his flamboyant lifestyle is well known. However, his brother Adewale Adeleke seems to be stepping up to the plate.

Adewale AAccording to a spokesperson for Davido's label:deleke who is Davido's elder, is a music producer and Chairman of HKN Music, a record label that is home to Shina Rambo, B-Red, Davido. He is also an executive director of Pacific Energy.

On his Snapchat, Adewale while showing off his dog's food, said: "Noodles is a food for dogs, my dogs eat better than some of you."
He also told his followers that his dogs eats better than some of them. Below are screenshots:

According to a spokesperson for Davido's label: "Efe is loved by all, the people love him and that’s why he won. Asides supporting him to win Big Brother Naija, we decided to support him further with a music deal. "Based on logistics, we know he’ll go places but we believe Davido Music Worldwide will be a grand opportunity for him.”

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nigerian Female Graduate Fatimah Funmike Oyawoye Died While Hunting For Job

A Nigerian graduate of Chemistry named Fatimah Funmike Oyawoye is dead - She died while still hunting to get a nice job for herself in Nigeria - Fatimah is the only female child of her family and she died with her marital status still singleA Nigerian graduate of Chemistry named Fatimah Funmike Oyawoye is dead - She died while still hunting to get a nice job for herself in Nigeria - Fatimah is the only female child of her family and she died with her marital status still single.

The dream of Fatimah Funmike Oyawoye when she was young was for her to become a successful career woman, but she never knew that her dream would never come true as she died untimely.

Fatimah died in the early hours of Friday, April 14, 2017 a day after she returned from a journey where she had gone to hunt for job.

 She was said to have complained of body pain and headache in which she was given some treatment, but passed on in her sleep.

She was born 27 years ago in a popular town in Kwara state called Offa, Fatimah is the only female child to her parent and they did all they could to support her education.

An exclusive report from stated that she started her career at Adeola model school in Offa, Kwara state before she proceeded to Offa Grammar School where she graduated as one of the best science students. After she graduated from secondary school in the year 2003, Fatimah's parent relocated to Kaduna state where she was later admitted into Kaduna state polytechnic where she studied Applied science/Chemistry from the institution.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

17-year-old boy makes Nigeria proud, constructs locally- made DRONE (photos)

A 17-year-old student of the Lagos State Polytechnic,
identified as David Opateyibo, has helped in the
construction of the first locally-made drone in Nigeria.

According to the infomation gathered by, the first prototype of a locally-made
drone was recently constructed at the Lagos State
Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) recently

The drone was constructed under the watchful eyes and the
careful leadership of a 17-year-old boy identified as David
Speaking on the achievement, authorities of the Lagos state
government have reportedly said that if fully developed, the
drone and others could be deployed for security
surveillance in the state.

Speaking in an interview, 17-year-old David said:
“Aside from using drones for aerial surveillance, you can
also use them for aerial photography and videography, or
for broadcasting, incidence control or pipeline and power
line inspection. You can also use drones in agriculture, to
analyze farm produce. ”

The drone which was constructed from a high breed mix of
existing drone components and locally fabricated material,
is said to fly normally, but David says there is a lot more
room for improvement.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lady Murdered By Ritual Killers, Heart, Intestines Removed (pic)

The quest for money, wealth and power seems to have overtaken the reasoning of many people in this age as they can go to any length to get what they want, including killing their fellow human beings.

This was the case with these very disturbing photographs that were shared on Twitter over the weekend by a usere with the name Aliyu Kwarbai, where an an unfortunate young lady fell a victim of the mindless killers who murdered her, ripped open her stomach and removed the intestines as well as her heart which was also removed.
The gory incident was said to have happened in a community in the eastern part of Nigeria.

In everything you are doing, watch your back!

11 Things You Don't Know Kissing Can Do To You

We all enjoy a really good kiss, but did you know that locking lips with someone makes you live longer, helps prevent tooth decay and burns calories?

Apart from the obvious bacteria swapping and reducing stress levels, it turns out there is plenty more to know about a good snog with your partner, lover, or whoever else you happen to be swapping saliva with.

Author David Wolfe has produced a video on the 11 thinks you never knew about kissing, and these are the surprising facts, captured UK’s The Sun.

1. It Increases Life Expectancy 

Men who kiss their wives in the morning live five years longer than men who don’t.

2. It Prevents Tooth Decay

Kissing increases the mouth’s production of saliva, which helps to clean the mouth and prevent tooth decay.

3. We Swap More Than Just Germs

We swap an average of 9ml of water, 0.7mg of protein, 0.18mg of organic compounds, 0.71mg of different fats and 0.45mg of sodium chloride when we lock lips.

4. But There Are Still A Lot Of Germs Involved

One millilitre of saliva contains about 100,000,000 bacteria.

5. It Actually Burns Calories-Get Kissing Ladies

Couples can burn anywhere between 2 and 26 calories per minute while kissing and can use up to 30 muscles.

6. We Do A Lot Of It

The average person will spend an estimated 20,160 minutes of their lifetime kissing. That’s 336 hours, or 14 whole days.

7. Some More Than Others, It Seems

The longest kiss ever recorded was 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds – nearly two and a half days.

8. Our Brains Know How To Find Our Lovers Lips

Sixty-six per cent of people close their eyes during a kiss. Our brains have special neurons that help us to locate each other’s lips in the dark.

9. It Can Stop Us From Falling Sick

There is some evidence, from past studies, to suggest that kissing provides us a means of protecting ourselves from certain viruses.

10. It's More Than Just Fun-It's Stress Receiving

Holding hands and kissing reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol, thereby lowering blood pressure and optimising immune response.

11. There's A Scientific Reason For Why We Want More

When you kiss someone for the first time you get a spike in dopamine, which makes you crave more.

Friday, March 24, 2017

4 Ways To Make Your Blog Popular

I have been working on my blogs for a while and every time I tweak something, I learn something new. Today, I am basically going to recap what I have posted so far. Today, I will share some common working methods which you can implement right now to make your blog popular and stand out in the crowd. Am going to divide the topic and into two because it's too long. But stay tuned because I will try to finish the remaining part as soon as possible.  Some of the methods have been posted earlier. That’s why I said I am going to recap Keep in mind that these methods are simple to implement and they always work.
Making a blog popular is every blogger's dream. It cannot be done overnight and I know it is not easy if you are new in the business but if you are hard working and are willing to learn and adapt, I can guarantee success my friend.
There are many ways to take your blog to the next level but always make sure you know what you are dealing with.
So, let's move to the main deal. I am listing out several killer ways you can get your blog popular in the right way.
Make your blog popular

1. Customize Your Blog Design

I have posted this like what, hundred times before. Well without a doubt, design matters. This is very important my friends and that is why I have listed it first. Every blog should have a unique design. People are attracted to something that is unique and interesting. When a person visits your blog, the design gives them the first impression and this determines the amount of time they spend browsing your blog. Now to be honest, if your blog has a crappy design, I am not going to visit it. Even if I visit it accidently, I might spend a few seconds before I leave and bam.
Look at this blog. How cool is it? I am sure you can setup something similar or decent. Practice makes perfection so keep tweaking and trying out new layout, design and navigation and focus on creating the best user experience for your readers.
There are plenty of decent templates you can find online. I am running a customized thesis theme which is one of my favorites and it powers almost 80% of my websites. I chose thesis over woothemes and others because it gives you ton of sweet options such as buttons to easily change fonts, color and seo capability. It is easily customizable and if you know a little code like I do, you can create awesome designs in no time.

2. Add Your Blog To Blog Communities

Blog communities are really popular for blogs. Other bloggers and web enthusiasts are constantly checking out these communities for networking and information. There are many communities you can submit your blog to but it’s better to stick with the ones which are popular and have a decent Google PR (pagerank).
I have posted a list of top article and blog directories so check them out and submit your blog right away.
Remember: When you follow a blog that you find interesting, and you contribute something nice through commenting on it, you are basically increasing your visibility in the community. A lot of people will check you out and also subscribe to your blog if you are good. Always try to participate in a network and engage in conversations. Whether you write a blog post or a comment, make sure it delivers some value to the community.

3. Write Tutorial And Pillar Articles

I have followed Yaro Starak who is one of the top bloggers. Yaro has always emphasized the importance of pillar articles. Now think about this, if you write an article about what happened on a certain day, the content is meant only for that day and with time it gets old. But, if you write a How-to Article or a tutorial that solves a problem, it stays there forever.
Let me explain. If you write something about “How to get rid of twitter spam or How to get loyal readers to your blog”, you know that you can use these tutorials whenever you want and they won’t get old because the same method would apply all the time. Lots of people will share it and bookmark it for future reference. Pillar articles are killers and you can easily write at least 5-6 a month.
Check out my wordpress hacking prevention guide which got shared over thousand times throughout various social networks. The post was retweeted more than 700 times and is growing every day. It’s really not a big deal to see such numbers especially when your posts are awesome and solves a community problem.

4. Be A Guest Author On Popular Blogs

Most blogs you will come across these days accept guest posts. Popular blogs like problogger, shoemoney, johnchow just to name a few; they all give new bloggers a chance to get noticed through guest blogging. Now this is a great opportunity and shouldn’t be missed. You can’t just post anything you like but it should be related to the niche and you have to prove your worth. One blog post on some of these popular blogs can get you huge amount of traffic.
How to find blogs that accept guest posts? How about you Google terms such as “guest post by” or you can check out this blog post on kissmetrics that explains guest blogging in details.
Writing guest posts is a truly amazing way to get noticed and drive traffic to your blog. Don’t forget the link juice you get and waves of new subscribers.
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